Wednesday 15 January 2014


Glutinuous Rice Flour Balls Porridge (Bubur Candil) is a traditional Indonesian glutinuous rice balls which provide sweet savoury taste.

This time, I want to submit a report to the 
JPTI - Jajanan Pasar Traditional Indonesia
15 January -  15 Feb 2014


Glutinous Rice Flour Balls Porridge
(Bubur Candil)

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Ingredients :

200 grams of glutinous rice flour
50 grams of rice flour
100 ml of water
200 grams of brown sugar / palm sugar
1 litre water
2 leaves pandan
2 tsp. glutinous rice flour and 2 tsp. rice flour

Coconut milk sauce:

500 ml coconut milk
½ tsp salt
1 pandan leaves 

How to Make The Porridge:

Place the glutinous rice flour and rice flour in a medium sized bowl.
Pour 100 ml of water little by little (Don’t pour all of the water into the bowl at once) until smooth.
Shape the dough into small balls like marbles.(*)
Boil the palm sugar and  1 litre of water with pandan leaves in a medium saucepan.
Cook until the water is boiling and sugar dissolves.
Lift and Filter.
Bring to a boil again, then insert the circle of dough (*), let it float. Stir well. 
Cook for about 5 minutes, until the balls look transparent and floating to the surface.
Pour 2 tsp. glutinous rice flour and 2 tsp. rice flour which have been mixed with a little water.
Stir and mix well until thicken.
Take off from the heat and set aside.

How To Make The Sauce:

For the sauce, place the coconut milk, pandan leaf and pinch of salt.
Bring it to the boil.
Lift and Set aside.

To Serve :

Let them cool down in a room temperature.
Pour the porridge into bowl as you wish to serve And pour 2 tbsp. coconut milk sauce  on top the porridge.
Mix it first before you eat it.


Glutinous Rice Flour Balls Porridge
(Bubur Candil)

Taken From :

Modified By :

Bahan-Bahan Yang Diperlukan :

200 gr tepung ketan
50 gr tepung beras
100 ml air
200 gr gula jawa
1 liter air
2 lembar daun pandan
2 sendok teh tepung ketan dan 2 sendok teh beras

Saus santan:

500 ml santan
½ sdt garam
1 lbr daun pandan

Cara Membuat Bubur Candil :

Taruh tepung ketan dan tepung beras dalam mangkok yang berukuran medium.
Tuang 100 ml air sedikit demi sedikit (jangan tuang air sekaliguskedalam mangkok) hingga kalis.
Bentuk bulat-bulat seperti kelereng. (*)
Masak gula jawa dan daun pandan dengan 1 liter didalam panic sedang.
Masak air sampai mendidih dan gula larut.
Angkat dan Saring.
Didihkan lagi, lalu masukkan bulatan adonan (*) , biarkan sampai mengapung. Aduk rata. Angkat.
Masak selama 5 menit sambil terus diaduk, sampai bola-bola terlihat tembus pandang atau bening dan mengapung.
Tuang 2 sendok teh tepung ketan dan 2 sendok teh tepung beras.
Aduk-aduk hingga merata dan kental.
Angkat dan sisihkan.

Cara Membuat Saus Santan :

Untuk sausnya, Tuang kedalam panic kecil,  santan, daun pandan dan sedikit garam
Masak semua bahan hingga mendidih.
Angkat dan sisihkan.

Penyajiannya :

Biarkan bubur sampai dengan keadaan dingin atau suhu ruangan.
Tuang bubur sesuai selera kedalam mangkuk.
Tuang 2 sendok makan saus santan diatasnya.
Aduk rata terlebih dahulu sebelum dimakan.

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