Tuesday 13 November 2012

Rainbow Roll Cake ( Bolu Gulung Pelangi)


Rainbow Roll Cake

Ingredients :

75 g of wheat flour
15 g cornstarch
10 g milk powder
6 eggs
125 g margarine / butter melted
20 ml of liquid milk
1 tbsp sp
100 g sugar
1 teaspoon pure vanillapasta corresponding colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple)

 Cheese frosting : 

250 g butter cream
200 g grated cheddar cheese
100 ml of liquid milk
* Steam cheese with milk, stirring until the cheese is melted and well blended, set a side until cold.
* Then, Whipped butter and cream cheese until smooth ... ready to use as a filling

How to make:

Prepare a baking sheet 30x 30 x 3 cm.
Brush margarine and line baking sheet and brush again.
Whisk together flour, cornstarch, milk powder, vanilla powder, sugar, eggs, milk and sp.
Beat until thick tread ... turn off the mixer.
Combine margarine / butter that has been melted stir until blended.
The dough is divided into 6 sections, give each with 6 colors pasta.
Pour the batter into the baking pan each dough crosswise direction, not vertically or horizontally, starting at the end of alternate until the dough runs out.
Temperature oven at 200 'for 15 minutes.
Remove and allow to cool.
Place the cake on the baking sheet with the upper surface is above (as opposed to ordinary cake roll).
Rub with filling and roll tightly ....


Rainbow Roll Cake

Bahan :

75 g tepung terigu
15 g maizena
10 g susu bubuk
6 butir telur
125 g margarine/ butter lelehkan
20 ml susu cair
1 sdm sp
100 g gula pasir
1 sdt pure vanilla
pasta sesuai warna (merah, orange, kuning, hijau, biru, dan ungu)

cheese frosting by nien ing

250 g butter cream 
200 g keju cheddar parut
100 ml susu cair
*Tim keju bersama dengan susu cair, aduk sampai keju leleh dan tercampur rata, dinginkan

* kocok butter cream dan keju yang sudah di tim sampai rata...siap di gunakan sebagai filling

Cara membuat :

- Siapkan loyang 30x 30 x 3 cm, oles margarine dan alasi kertas roti lalu oles lagi
- kocok bersama tepung terigu, maizena, susu bubuk, vanila bubuk, gula, telur, susu cair dan sp
- Kocok sampai kental berjejak...matikan mixer
- Campurkan margarine/butter yg sudah dilelehkan aduk balik hingga rata
- bagi adonan menjadi 6, beri masing2 dengan pasta 6 warna
- tuang dalam loyang adonan ke dalam loyang masing2 adonan arah menyilang, bukan vertikal atau horisontal, dimulai dari ujung berselang seling sampai adonan habis
- oven di suhu 200' selama 15 menit
- Angkat dan biarkan dingin
- letakkan cake  di atas kertas roti dengan bagian permukaan atas berada di atas ( kebalikan dr roll cake biasa)
- oles dengan filling lalu gulung rapat...

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