Monday 18 March 2013


Gulai is a type of food containing rich, spicy and succulent curry-like sauce. The main ingredients might be poultry, beef, mutton, various kinds of offals, fish and seafoods, and also vegetables such as cassava leafs and young jackfruit. The gulai sauces commonly have a thick consistency with yellowish color because of the addition of ground turmeric.


Jackfruit Curry
(Gulai Nangka)

By : Me

Ingredients :

750 gr young jackfruit on the can, cleaned.
4 chicken drumstick
7 tofu that had been fried
4 boiled eggs
4 bay leaves
1 stalks lemongrass
5 kaffir lime leaves
1 tbsp. tamarind water
2 tbsp. palm sugar.
1.5 litter of coconut milk on the can.
Vegetable oil for sautéing spices.

Spices :

4 red chillies
1 big red onion
6 cloves garlic
8 grains candlenuts
1 tsp. turmeric powder
1 cm ginger
1 tsp. coriander powder
1 tsp. cumin
Pepper as you wish
1 stalk lemongrass
2 cm of galangal

How To Make :

Cook Chicken, with a bit salt and water until tender on the saucepan.
Insert the coconut milk, jackfruit, boiled eggs and fried tofu, stir and mix well.
Cook over medium heat.
Meanwhile, heat the oil on the pan.
Sauté the spices, lemongrass, galangal, bay leaves and lime leaves until fragrant.
Pour seasoning into vegetable on the saucepan.
Add palm sugar and tamarin water. Stir well.
Cook until chicken, vegetable and tofu cooked and soft.
Ready to be served…


Jackfruit Curry
(Gulai Nangka)

By : Me

Ingredients :

750 gr nangka muda didalam kaleng, cuci bersih.
4 buah dada ayam
7 buah tahu goreng
4 buah telur yang sudah digodog
4 lembar daun salam
1 potong serai
5 lembar daun jeruk
1 sendok makan air asam jawa
2 sendok makan gula jawa
1.5 liter santan dari kaleng (santan kara)
Minyak goreng untuk menumis bumbu halus.


4 buah cabe merah
1 buah bawang merah besar
6 siung bawang putih
8 buah kemiri
1 sendok teh bubuk kunyit.
1 cm jahe
1 sendok teh ketumbar
1 sendok teh bubuk jinten
merica secukupnya
1 potong serai
2 cm lengkuas

Cara Membuat:

Masak ayam didalam panci dengan sedikit garam dan air sampai ayam menjadi lunak.
Masukkan santen, nangka muda, telur godog dan tahu goreng, aduk sampai rata.
Masak dengan api sedang.
Sementara itu, panaskan minyak goreng diwajan.
Tumis bumbu halus, serai, lengkuas, daun salam dan daun jeruk sampai harum.
Tuang bumbu tumisan kedalam panci yang berisi sayuran.
Tambahkan gula jawa dan air asam. Aduk rata.
Masak sampai ayam, sayuran dan tahu matang dan lunak.
Siap untuk dihidangkan

poftă bună

ಬಾನ್ appetit

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